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    Unable to find family with ID F904
  1. Anne DAVIS
  2. Esther Davis  Marriage William Griffith 1713/14-1778 (Age 64)
  3. Unable to find family with ID F904
  4. Geoffrey DAVIS
  5. Jefferson Finis Davis 1808-1889 (Age 81)  Marriage1835 Sarah Knox Taylor 1814-1835 (Age 21)
    1. Unable to find family with ID F895Unable to find family with ID F897Loyal DAVIS 1896-1982 (Age 86)
    2. Rachel Davis
    3. Unable to find family with ID F897
    4. Unable to find family with ID F904Richard DAVIS
    5. William Davis  Marriage ‎(unknown)‎ Angell
      1. Thomas Davis 1710-  Marriage1745 Rebecca Gregory
        1. Richard Davis 1745-
          1. Rebecca Davis  Marriage John Mercer